Not a letter, but the friends are here.

Life lessons from my friends
3 min readDec 21, 2021


This strange year started in the aftermath of a difficult 2020 and my recovery from burnout.

I should probably write a whole thing about burning out. It was awful, urgent and it changed me. But there are always silver linings. In an urge to regain agency and make time for myself, I developed systems, routines and habits that made everything outside of work more intentional and relevant — as it should.

One of the exercises which started with the first 2 letters here in this space, is good finding. And it is really a practice where every day whilst sometimes overwhelmed with information and stress, you take a beat to look at the accomplishments, the progress, the things that brought you joy and made you smile. So, this thing you are reading is sort of scaled good-finding thing for the whole year.

I won’t bring you the ‘this was a year of learnings’ because — although true — I have reflected enough on what I did learn and what was just despair framed with optimism. This is not LinkedIn and I’m not a clickbait-y networking personality to squeeze bullet points from anything.

But I do think focusing on the good trumps all the bad we’ve all gone through — which were pretty mild in my case since thankfully I am healthy and haven’t lost loved ones or a job.

As we come to the end of 2021 (or 2020s) I thought it would be a good exercise to look back to a few moments, people and things that made 2021 more bearable, fun, heartwarming and hopeful.

Here you go:

  • Crossed a life-long dream from my list and visited the Abbey Road Studios. Twice
  • Went on a little pub crawl around London with Cotta, Arthur Petrillo, Júlia, Reinaldo, and always Larissa
  • Was taken on a pub crawl with Billy, Mafê and Estela in Berlin ❤
  • Spent a fantastic week in Portugal, where we met Pedro from — an incredible human that guided us through Setubal, and had another incredible dinner with Zambrano — btw meeting him for incredible dinners in different countries is becoming a trend
  • Celebrated my birthday meeting with actual humans ❤ Pinho, Manu, Ronaldo, Raquel and Arthur
  • Upgraded my HiFi sound system and it changed everything. 🤯
  • Added many records to my collection
  • Saw my great friend Jonny Bond in London
  • Kind of found our favourite restaurant in London: Brawn
  • Did the AltMBA which sort of changed everything
  • Did very well at work
  • Got vaccinated!

+ Music, Books, Shows, Youtube and Movies:

Book Highlights:

Music Highlights:

Screen Highlights:

That’s it. You didn’t ask for it, but here’s all I can offer for free at this moment. :)

Happy Holidays!



Life lessons from my friends

This is a project of gratitude, and an effort to improve my english writing skills.